Online Child Sexual Exploitation: A Serious Issue That Demands Innovative Solutions

Child sexual exploitation is a serious problem in our society, especially with the growth of technology and the internet. This exploitation harms young victims and has lasting effects on their lives. To tackle this issue, we need a well-rounded approach. This includes legal, technological, psychological, and social strategies. Here are some important points to consider: […]
Convicted American Child Sex Offender Sentenced to 3 Year Imprisonment in Battambang
On 28th of May, Battambang provincial court pronounced a verdict finding American convicted child sex offender Robert James Boehnlein, 66, guilty of Aggravating Circumstance of Indecent Assault of Criminal Code and sentenced him to 3-year imprisonment, the offence he committed against a five-year-old girl who was a daughter of his girlfriend. The court gave him […]
22 Boys Rescued from Sexual Exploitation; Abuser Sentenced to 5 Year Imprisonment
Siem Reap: On 25th of April, 2018, the Siem Reap provincial court pronounced a verdict finding Dutchman Sarot Evrard Nicolas, aged 54, guilty of producing child pornography under the Article 41 of the Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation, and sentenced him to 5 years of imprisonment. The court also ordered him […]
Cambodian-American Sentenced To 7 Year Imprisonment After Sexually Abusing 17 Underage Boys
Phnom Penh: On 29th of March, Takeo Provincial Court pronounced a verdict finding a Cambodian-American man, Tan Saravuth, 48, guilty of Purchase of Child Prostitution under Article 34 of the Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation (LSHTSE) and sentenced him to a 7-year imprisonment. The court also ordered him to pay a […]
School Teacher Sentenced to 2 Year Imprisonment in Child Abuse Case
Phnom Penh: On 20th of March, Phnom Penh Municipal Court pronounced a verdict finding British national Mark Andrew Smith, 40, from Great Yarmouth, the United Kingdom, guilty and sentencing him to 2 year imprisonment with suspension in full for committing indecent assault with aggravating circumstances by Article 246 and Article 248 of the Criminal Code […]
APLE and CNP Stop Abuse in International School; School Teacher Sentenced to 2 Year Imprisonment.
Phnom Penh: On March 20th, 2018, The Phnom Penh Municipal Court pronounced a verdict finding British national Mark Andrew Smith, aged 40, from Great Yarmouth, United Kingdom, guilty of committing indecent assault with aggravating circumstances under the Article 246 and Article 248 of the Criminal Code of Cambodia. The court sentenced him to a 2 […]
11 Underage Boys Disclosed Sexual Abuse; Two British Charged
Siem Reap: On 23 February 2018, Siem Reap provincial court charged two British nationals aged 63, and 69 years, with Indecent Acts Against Minors under Fifteen Years of age, under the Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation. Both men were remanded in pretrial detention to await further investigation. The Siem Reap Anti Human Trafficking and Juvenile Protection Police arrested the British […]
American and Cambodian Men Sentenced in Child Sexual Abuse Case
Siem Reap: On 17 January 2018, Siem Reap provincial court pronounced a verdict against a 79-year-old American child sex offender John Paul Zollbrecht and his Cambodian accomplice, Nheb Sophorn, 23, finding them guilty for the act of sexual intercourse with minor under 15 years by Article 42 of Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and […]
14-year-old girl rescued; Czech man brought behind bar
Siem Reap: On 31 October 2017, Siem Reap provincial court charged the Czech man, 46, of having sexual intercourse with a minor under fifteen years based on Article 42 of the Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation. This offence carries a sentence of between 5 to 10 years. The man has been […]
APLE Executive Director in Stockholm Accepting the Child 10 Award 2017
Our Executive Director, Mr Seila Samleang, is in Stockholm this week to accept the Child 10 Award 2017 and attend the Reach for Change summit. At the award ceremony, Seila said in confidence that, “I feel very warm and inspired here to witness a wonderful recognition of our work in Cambodia at such high level. […]