Protecting Myself and Others from Online Risks












This course will provide you with the knowledge on the different risks for children online, with a focus on keeping safe from online child sexual exploitation. With the information you will receive through this course you will be able to continue to enjoy the benefits the internet has to offer while knowing how to protect yourself and others online. 

With the completion of this course you can achieve a certificate indicating you have the knowledge to protect yourself and others from online risks and stay safe from online child sexual exploitation.  

This course includes a wide variety of interactive activities, videos, and quizzes to make it an enriching and engaging experience.  

In order to receive the certificate, you will have to pass all activities correctly and receive at least 75% score from the completion of all 3 quizzes.  

By the end of this course you will be able to:

Who is the course for?

This course has been developed by Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE Cambodia) to address the most pressing needs for children’s online safety and protection from Online Child Sexual Exploitation in Cambodia.   

Who is this course for? 

  • If you are under the age 18 
  • If you use the internet  
  • If you understand the importance and responsibility of keeping yourself and your friends safe
Play Video

Learning Path

In this lesson, we will look into our online practices and activities and see how we can make sure we are acting in a safe and responsible way, but while still enjoying our time online! 

In this lesson, we will focus on the risk to Online Child Sexual Exploitation (OCSE) to better understand the different forms and how it can affect children involved.   

In this lesson, we will focus on the different set of actions we can take as protectors among our peers, to keep ourselves and others safe from online risks.  

At the end of the course, you will be required to complete a final test.

Are You Ready To Begin?