Dutchman arrested in Cambodia for child porn photos

Cambodia arrested a 53-year-old Dutchman while he was photographing naked boys by a lakeside in a village in northwestern Siem Reap province on Tuesday, according to an anti-pedophile agency's media release on Wednesday. Police identified the suspect as Saraot Evrard Nicolas, a tourist to the province. According to the Siem Reap Anti-Human Trafficking and Juvenile […]

Dutchman Caught for Child Pornography Charges

Siem Reap, Police from Siem Reap Anti-Human Trafficking and Juvenile Protection Unit yesterday arrested a 53-year-old Dutchman while he was photographing naked boys aged between 11 and 15 years by the lakeside in Aranh Sarkor village, Sangkat Siem Reap. According to police report, seven victims have so far confirmed abuse, but the number could reach […]

Villagers Detail Alleged Molesterā€™s Methods

The chief of a village where 11 boys were allegedly molested by a Cambodian-American man said on Tuesday that many local boys, including his son, had spent time unsupervised with the man, who was charged on Monday with procuring child prostitution. While the chief’s son said he was not touched inappropriately at the pagoda in […]

Cambodian-American charged with molesting village boys

Cambodian-American charged with molesting village boys | Fox News PHNOM PENH, Cambodia –  Prosecutors in Cambodia have charged a Cambodian-American man with sexually abusing 11 boys aged 10 to 15 years old. Phan Sopheak, a court spokesman in Takeo province south of Phnom Penh, said Tan Saravuth was charged Tuesday with procuring children for prostitution, […]

Cambodian-American charged with molesting village boys

Cambodian-American charged with molesting village boys :: WRAL.com PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Prosecutors in Cambodia have charged a Cambodian-American man with sexually abusing 11 boys aged 10 to 15 years old. Phan Sopheak, a court spokesman in Takeo province south of Phnom Penh, said Tan Saravuth was charged Tuesday with procuring children for prostitution, a […]

Dual Cambodian ā€“ U.S. Citizen Arrested for Child Sex Abuse

nsnbc : Tan Saravuth, a Cambodian – American has been charged with procurement with regard to child prostitution by the  Takeo Provincial Court. The previously convicted child sex offender returned to Cambodia after being convicted of child sexual abuse in the United States. He was charged with allegedly abusing 11 boys and faces up to […]

Cambodian-American Charged With Molesting Village Boys

Cambodian-American Charged With Molesting Village Boys – The New York Times PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Prosecutors in Cambodia have charged a Cambodian-American man with sexually abusing 11 boys aged 10 to 15 years old. Phan Sopheak, a court spokesman in Takeo province south of Phnom Penh, said Tan Saravuth was charged Tuesday with procuring children […]

11 Underage Boys Rescued; Cambodian-American Arrested

Phnom Penh, 11 underage boys aged between 10 and 15 years old were identified and rescued during a joined raid operation between Cambodian National Policeā€™s Department of Anti Human Trafficking and Juvenile Protection (AHTJP) and Takeo AHTJP Provincial Unit. The police arrested a 47-year-old Cambodian-American T.S.V, who had been under police investigation since mid-2016 for […]

Help 30 Victims of Child Sexual Abuse In Cambodia

APLE Cambodia is participating in a crowdfunding campaign to raise US$5,000 from 40 donors by 31st March 2017. We are now seeking your help to reach our goal with your kind donation for our project ā€œHelp 30 Victims of Child Sexual Abuse in Cambodia.ā€ APLE’s Court Support Program focuses on providing high-quality and timely legal […]

Danish Man Convicted of Prostitution Freed on Royal Pardon

A Danish guesthouse owner imprisoned in 2010 for forcing his male staff members to have sex with customers has been freed by a royal pardon after serving six years of an eight-year sentence, according to the anti-pedophile group that conducted the initial investigation into the case. Svend Erick Jonasson, who ran the Seven In Guest […]