Phnom Penh – On October 1st, 2019, six Cambodian girl victims of sexual abuse received a compensation
of approximately USD 23,250 in total, after a Swedish court pronounced a verdict against Swedish national
Ulf Christian Goransson, found guilty of child sexual abuse and exploitation.
In 2015, six street girls were rescued from sexual abuse and exploitation by the Anti-Human Trafficking
and Juvenile Protection Department police in Phnom Penh and referred to rehabilitation. The offender
escaped from Cambodia back to his home country, where he was investigated after APLE collaborated
with the Swedish National Police to have the individual arrested and prosecuted. With APLE’s mediation,
the Cambodian victims obtained free legal representation in Sweden through a Swedish Law Firm.
In November 2016, Ulf Christian Goransson, aged 63, was found guilty of Sexual intercourse with a minor
and purchase of child sexual abuse, in accordance with the Swedish law.
The offender was sentenced to 2 years and 7 months of imprisonment, as well as ordered to pay a total of
SEK 214,400 in compensation to his 6 Cambodian victims.
As of October 2019, six girl victims have received their civil remedies through verdict of Swedish Court.
With APLE’s and its partner
organization’s social support, the
girls have also been following
rehabilitation programs and have
been doing vocational training
courses to gain control over their
lives in order to not have to return to
the streets. One girl in particular has
planned to use the compensation
money to start her own sewing
“Compensation to victims of Child
Sexual Abuse and Exploitation is
extremely important as a first step
for the victim to rebuild their lives.
Feeling heard, understood and receiving justice gives victims hope to carry on” Said Sophorn Him, APLE’s
Court Support Team Leader. “We feel pleased to have collaborated with the Swedish pro-bono law firm
which smoothed the process of the victims’ reparations. Extra-territorial collaboration is very helpful in
these cases and that is why APLE aims to grow and strengthen its international cooperations” she added.