We values national and global partnerships and see them as critical to ending child sexual abuse and exploitation, especially in transnational forms.

We values partnerships and see them as critical to ending child sexual abuse and exploitation in Cambodia. Over the years, we have built strong partnerships among various sectors of society, some of which are highlighted below.


APLE works closely with the Royal Government of Cambodia and has signed Memorandums of Understanding [MoU] to register and outline the scope of our work.

APLE signed a MoU with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in 2003, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation in 2006, and the Ministry of Interior in 2010.

Outside of formal partnerships, APLE collaborates closely with the National Committee for Counter Trafficking (NCCT) and Cambodian National Council for Children (CNCC).

National Police

APLE has become a leading expert in investigating street-based abuse and works closely with the Cambodian National Police and its specialist Anti-Human Trafficking and Juvenile Protection Units nationwide through a formal MoU signed with the Ministry of Interior.

APLE and the national police have jointly implemented a capacity building program with a series of trainings focused on child-centric investigative procedure in cases of sexual exploitation against children. APLE also supports the establishment and operation of child-friendly interview rooms within several police units.  

Foreign Law Enforcement

Given that sexual exploitation of children in travel and tourism (SECTT) is most often perpetrated by travelling sex offenders, APLE also assists in cases where the suspect is foreign. When offenders of different nationalities are involved, APLE works closely with their respective countries’ law enforcement agencies to facilitate extraterritorial cooperation between national and international police. APLE has built relationships with numerous FLOs and strives to ensure cases assisted meet international police standards for successful prosecution.

Civil Society Organisation

In order to ensure that children who have been sexually abused or exploited receive the best possible care, APLE partners closely with other NGOs. 

APLE provides social counselling and crisis intervention supports to child victim and their families in relation to the rescue and court proceedings, while we seek collaboration from other NGOs to provide long-term care and treatment.


APLE believes that the media plays an important role in preventing child sexual abuse and exploitation by shining a light on case types and experiences. By working with the media, APLE prioritises principles of transparency and honesty with the aim of enhancing the awareness about the problem. APLE frequently publishes press releases to inform both local and international media of cases and to share the organisation’s opinions and expertise.