APLE Leads Charge on Child Online Protection with Technical Meeting

In a critical move towards fortifying defenses against Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA), APLE convened a landmark technical meeting at the Sun and Moon Riverside Hotel in Phnom Penh on December 28. This gathering marked a significant step forward, bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders, including representatives from the Cambodia National Council […]

APLE Empowers Siem Reap Students with Critical Online Safety Skills

In a concerted effort to combat online child sexual exploitation and abuse (OCSEA), APLE recently hosted a pivotal awareness event for 104 students from Chong Khnies secondary school and Pour un Sourire d’Enfant in Siem Reap. Held on December 20 and 22, 2023, this initiative marked a significant step towards empowering the youth with essential […]

APLE and National Police Forge Ahead in Online Child Protection Training

In a landmark initiative aimed at bolstering the fight against online child sexual exploitation (OCSEA), APLE Cambodia joined forces with the General Commission of the National Police to conduct a comprehensive two-day training session. This crucial program, held on December 20, 2023, targeted 45 professional police officers who will serve as national and sub-national trainers, […]

APLE Advocates for Regional Cooperation on Child Online Safety at ACWC Conference

In a significant gathering aimed at bolstering the welfare of women and children across Southeast Asia, the Executive Director of APLE Cambodia proudly participated in the 4th ACWC (ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children) partnership conference. Held on December 12-13 in the historic and vibrant city of […]

Cambodia Launches the Guideline on COP For the Digital Technology Industry

Phnom Penh, on July 6, 2023 Cambodia, particularly the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPTC), along with the support of the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children and UNICEF Cambodia, launches the Guidelines on Child Online Protection for the Digital Technology Industry, with over 150 participants from government ministries, UN agencies, development partners, civil […]

American Lawyer Deported to US for Sexual Abuse of Underage Girls in Cambodia

Phnom Penh, on July 4, an American lawyer, who spent over two years in a Cambodian prison for sexually abusing four underage children, was deported back to the United States. Now facing federal charges, 42-year-old Rugh Cline is currently held under house arrest. If convicted, he could be sentenced to up to 170 years in […]

Man Arrested for Distribution of Child Sexual Abuse Material and Extortion of Minor Boy

PHNOM PENH: On March 23, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court charged a 27-year-old Cambodian man from Battambang with production and distribution of adult pornography under Article 39 and distribution of child pornography under Article 41 of the Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitaition. The court puts him on remand to wait for […]

Cambodia Joins Global Communities to Celebrate the Safer Internet Day

On February 13, Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE Cambodia) and the National Committee for Counter Trafficking (NCCT) in collaboration with the Cambodia National Council for Children (CNCC), Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS), Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPTC) and Cambodian Red Cross celebrated the Safer Internet Day 2023 with the support of national […]

Shaping a Safer Digital Future: APLE’s Online Safety Workshop for Siem Reap Youth

In an initiative aimed at fortifying the digital resilience of the younger generation, APLE Cambodia, in partnership with the Siem Reap Provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sports and supported by Plan International Cambodia, conducted a crucial awareness session on “Understanding Child Safety Online.” Held on 29-30 January 2024 at Chamkarchek Secondary School in Srey […]

Girl Survivor Stands Up for Justice in Online Sexual Exploitation

On November 1, 2022, a 19 year old Cambodian man was arrested and sent to prison to serve his sentence after he was found guilty for child pornography charges of the Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation by the Siem Reap Provincial Court. In September this year, the man was sentenced in […]