Phnom Penh Court Announces Verdict in Online Child Sexual Exploitation.

On June 24, 2024, the Phnom Penh Municipal Court sentenced a Cambodian man to 6 months in prison for committing indecent acts against a 14-year-old girl from the Philippines. This judgment followed a hearing on June 17, 2024, and was based on Article 43 of the Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation. […]

APLE Hosts Training Workshop on Child Protection in Siem Reap.

APLE, with the support from Plan International Cambodia and Terre des Hommes Netherlands, held a training workshop on “Prevention and Response to Child Sexual Exploitation Online” on June 13, 2024, in Siem Reap. The workshop was presided over by the Vice Governor and conducted in partnership with the Provincial Department of Post and Telecommunications. A […]

Empowering Teachers: Training on Online Child Safety in Siem Reap

In an effort to enhance child safety in the digital world, 54 primary school teachers from Banteay Srei, Angkor Thom, Angkor Chum, and Srei Snam took part in a transformative two-day training of trainers session at the Siem Reap Provincial Teacher Training Center. This training was organized by APLE in partnership with the Ministry of […]

Advancing the Fight Against Online Child Sexual Exploitation

On May 17th, APLE and the Police Academy of Cambodia hosted a technical working group meeting to review a draft training manual focused on online child sexual exploitation and abuse. The session was highly productive, bringing together experts and stakeholders to gather valuable feedback for further refinement of the manual. Enhancing Training and Preparedness The […]

The Critical Role of Collaboration in Combating Child Sexual Exploitation

On April 25th, during a panel discussion at a specialized police training workshop organized by the Australian Federal Police at Hyatt Hotel in Phnom Penh, Mr. Seila Samleang, Director of APLE, provided insights on tackling child sexual exploitation. Mr. Samleang underscored the urgent need for improved collaboration among various stakeholders to address this serious issue […]

Empowering Global Child Protection: APLE’s Future Milestone to Achieve

On April 16, at the National Research Institute of Poland (NASK), Mr. Seila Samleang, APLE’s Executive Director, participated in and successfully completed the Schema A Ambassador Trainers Program organized by INHOPE. As a certified Ambassador Trainer, Mr. Seila Samleang is poised to lead training sessions for regional hotline analysts in the universal classification schema. This […]

Empowering Parents and Educators with Child Online Safety Knowledge and Open Communication

On April 6, 2024, 27 parents and teachers at Bluebird British International School received invaluable online child safety education from an APLE representative. The comprehensive training program centered on three critical topics: APLE continues its collaborative efforts with the private sector, particularly schools, to champion online child safety initiatives.

APLE Collaborates with Police Academy on Child Online Protection Training for Law Enforcement

In an initiative supported by the Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children (GPEVAC) through UNICEF Cambodia, APLE has embarked on a strategic collaboration with the Police Academy of Cambodia. This partnership is aimed at integrating child online protection training modules into the academy’s curriculum. The training materials, developed by APLE, are intended for law […]

APLE Early Prevention Program Targets Child Online Protection Awareness Dissemination Across Provincial Police

In an impactful two-day event spanning 18-19 March 2024, APLE Cambodia took a significant step towards strengthening child protection mechanisms. Hosting dissemination meetings across Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, and Battambang provinces, APLE’s representative showcased the Child-Friendly Code of Conduct and Guidelines for Utilizing Training Books on Responding to Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (OCSEA). The […]