Expert Roundtable Meeting On “Tackling Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Towards a Safer Internet Environment,” Phnom Penh, 14 September 2016

Phnom Penh – On 14 September 2016, APLE Cambodia in collaboration with INHOPE Foundation organized an Expert Roundtable Meeting on Tackling Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Towards a Safer Internet Environment, bringing together 60 national and international participants. Our main objectives were to better understand the problem of online child sexual exploitation and abuse […]

Family Discussion Allows Civil Plaintiffs To Share, Learn And Expect

On 26 August 2016, family discussion on “Experience-Sharing of Civil Plaintiffs” was conducted in Eden Park Restaurant by APLE and supported by the German Embassy. The main purpose of the discussion was to strengthen legal mechanisms through knowledge-sharing and support to their families to increase trust in judicial system. There were 10 civil plaintiffs attending […]